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Blodgett View Christian School is Accredited by The Adventist Accrediting Association


 What is The Adventist Accrediting Association

The Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) is the denominational accrediting authority for all educational institutions operated in the name of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It fosters close cooperation among the educational institutions of the Adventist system and effective working relationships with other educational organizations or institutions, accrediting agencies, and government departments of education.

The AAA provides a process by which the educational community holds an institution accountable for its own objectives. It assures the church and constituency that an accredited Adventist educational institution offers programs of quality to the youth of the church and provides professional personnel who meet both church and national/provincial standards. This process ensures a basis for reciprocity among Adventist schools.

The Standards for Accreditation of Seventh-day Adventist Schools are the basis for the evaluation and accreditation of all educational institutions in the North American Division.



We are so grateful for a local small school that focuses not only on strong scholastics but also training Christian young people.

M. Griffin MD


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